Understanding The Specific Tags in Blogger Templates/Layouts
In Blogger Templates, there are quite many tags that define the layout, appearance, and functionality of the blog. These are so critical for determining the design, arrangement, and even the overall look that your Blogger site assumes. This section is going to identify a number of the frequently used specific tags within the Blogger templates:
What Really Is A Blogger Template Tag
These are powerful HTML-like code snippets that can be employed to enrich and fully customize the look and functionality of your blog. These tags are the ones that generate dynamic content, thus making you pull elements such as posts, comments, and widgets without updating your code manually every time you have an entry. For instance, with such tags as <b:if> and <b:loop>, conditional statements and loops can be generated to display certain content, thus assuring that your blog will always be up-to-date with minimum actions by you.
Other than that, such Blogger template tags will let you apply styles and configure settings right from your blog's template. Tags like <b:header> and <b:footer> handle and style the header and footer areas of your blog. Another one, <b:skin>, is going to let define custom CSS for the same design control. These tags will be used for changing layout, colors, fonts, and other design items so that these are unique for your brand or personal taste.
More than anything, Blogger template tags offer resources pretty capable of transcending notions of austerity. Rather flexible in terms of managing content, applying styles, and setting other multiple configurations, generally all to give birth to a blogging experience suited for different needs and preferences; whether a user is beginning or an expert blogger, truly mastering these tags can make a great deal of difference to a blog's functionality and beauty.
Main Blogger Template Tags
What are <b:skin> tags?
With <b:skin> tags you define CSS style in your Blogger template. Everything you put inside this tag will treat as CSS.
/* CSS styles go here */
body {
background-color: #fff;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
What are <b:section> tags?
The <b:section> tag is utilised to separate your Blogger template into sections like a header, footer, sidebar, and the main content area. Each section can embed widgets.
<b:section id='header' class='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' type='Header' />
What is the <b:widget> tag?
The <b:widget> tag is used to insert widgets into your sections. Here is an example of a simple text block or even complex third-party integrations.
<b:section id='sidebar' class='sidebar' maxwidgets='10' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='BlogArchive1' type='BlogArchive' />
What is the <b:includable> tag?
The <b:includable> tag is used for defining re-entrant blocks of code that can be included in an arbitrary number in various parts.
What is the <b:include> tag?
<b:include> tag allows you to include code blocks defined by <b:includable> tag anywhere in your template.
<b:include name='post' />
What is the <data:> tag?
<data:> tag is used to inject content dynamically in your template. Those might apply to show data like a post title, URL, and so on with respect to dynamic content.
<a href='<data:post.url>'><data:post.title/></a>
What is the <expr> Tag?
This will be a tag evaluating the expression, including its output in your template, so you can do things like conditionally display content or use it in generating content.
<a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>
Details of All Blogger Tags for Various Page Types
There are quite a number of specific tags that in Blogger templates one can put in to have some control of the layout and display of information. Probably the most popular blogger template tags and how to use them are shown below:
1. <b:if cond='.'>
This tag will let you have conditional statements so you may display content according to your target condition.
<b:if cond='data:post.labels.contains("Featured")'>...</b:if>
2. <b:section>
Name: representing the different divisions, or components of your template where the user can add content or widgets.
<b:section id='header' name='Header' class='header' />
3. <b:widget>
Name: Add widgets to the layout. Widgets can be used to perform an whole set of actions, by showing recent posts, labels or even simple HTML content.
<b:widget id='BlogArchive1' type='BlogArchive' />
4. <b:post>
Name: Holds data about a blog post, like it's title, content or meta-data.
<b:post title='data:post.title' content='data:post.content' />
5. <b:foreach>
Purpose: declares iteration over collection like list of posts or list of labels.
<b:foreach name='post' values='data:posts'>...</b:foreach>
6. <b:loop>
Purpose: collections are so enormously significant you'll frequently observe collections iterated with this custom tag in your templates.
<b:loop values='data:posts'>...</b:loop>
8. <b:content>
Purpose: This tag is used to display the content of a blog post or page.
<b:content />
9. <b:comments>
Purpose: Remarks connected to a post are displayed
<b:comments />
10. <b:label>
Purpose: for displaying any one label or tag attached to posts.
11. <b:date>
What it is: This is used to show the posting date.
<b:date value='data:post.date' />
12. <b:author>
What it is: This tag is used to show the author of the post.
<b:author name='data:post.author.name' />
13. <b:comment>
What it is used for: It is used to show the comments one by one.
<b:comment />
This makes these tags quite useful in determining your blog's appearance and manipulating the structure layout of your blogs using Blogger's template language. It is an XML-based language that enables dynamic content to be replicated for customization to the contents of the blog and the settings of the blog.
How to Customize Blogger Templates
Blogger templates control the design, layout, and functionality of your blog. While editing the template in Blogger, you will be editing these tags for most of the time. Let's get you started with this:
Access the HTML Editor
- Sign in to the Blogger dashboard.
- Click on "Theme".
- Click on "Edit HTML".
Locate Theme Sections
You should now be able to locate the various parts of the template using the <b:section> tags.
Edit Available Widgets
Input, add, delete, or edit the <b:widget> tags to define what widgets will be shown in each area.
Edit the <b:skin> tag to include your CSS.
Use <b:includable> to define a block of code you can insert in any part of your template, then wherever you like, insert your code with <b:include>.
Dynamic Content
Create an output dynamically by using <data:> and <expr:> tags.
What Should You Consider While Editing a Template?
While editing templates, it is very necessary to know first what the template is for and what audience it is going to address. Right after opening a template, the very first step should be to find out what the template is for—like a website or document, or any other use—which will help concentrate your editing on the core of the template.
Of equal importance is design consistency: following the rules that one has set up for branding with respect to colors, fonts, and layouts will let any change mesh easily into the design that is already in place. This is not only for the retention of the cohesiveness of the visuals but also to foster brand identity.
Try to keep the functionality of the template in mind. Buttons and forms should be able to be clicked through, as one would expect, after having made your edits. You should check whether the presence of dynamic features works as well, and that they work to expectation.
It has to do with how most of your changes can make differences in template performance. For example, changes including some really complex graphics or codes can finally affect load times; it is pretty important to test the template on different devices and browsers in regard to checking for compatibility issues.
Another major factor in this process is testing: ensure that you test your template on different screen sizes for visuals and functionalities, and all interactive features work well.
The importance of documenting what you have done to the changes lies at the top and is very relevant to one in traceability and referring to the same changes later. Good change log maintenance, and if necessary, version control for tracking the modifications.
This may be gained finally from stakeholders and end-users by requesting feedback, which allows one to know how far edits work toward the goals intended and whether they have an effect either in usability or design that is unexpected by your edits.
The Blogger template tags will help you in making any kind of modification that has something to do with presentation and other features provided on your blog. These tags will let you know how you can personalize your blogs according to what suits you and your interests. Experiment, practice, and get familiar with these tags, for such familiarity shall help a lot in formatting a fine blog design.