How To Automatically Open Multiple Tabs in Chrome with just one Click
Here's a step-by-step guide to creating and running a batch file that will open multiple URLs in Chrome with a delay between each tab to prevent system overload.
We are going to create a batch file that opens over 1000 links in Chrome. Now, let's see how to do it. What follows is defining a list of URLs and then looping through every URL, opening each URL in a new Chrome tab, and pausing 1 second to avoid bombarding the browser. Now, this can heavily affect system performance, so be careful.
Checkpoint 1: Create a New Text File
Open Notepad:
- Press Win + R, type notepad, and hit Enter.
- Search for Notepad from the start menu and open a new file.
New File:
Once you open Notepad, a new blank text file is created.
Checkpoint 2: Write Batch Script
Copy and Paste the Script:
Copy the following script:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "urls=(
for %%u in %urls% do (
start chrome %%u
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
Paste the Script:
Right-click in Notepad and select "Paste" or press Ctrl. Make sure that each URL is on a new line and is within the parentheses of the set "urls=" command.
Final Script Example:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "urls=(
for %%u in %urls% do (
start chrome %%u
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
Step 3: Save the File
Make sure to Set Save as type drop-down to All Files (*.*), so that it saves with .bat and not as a .txt file.
Save Location:
Save this batch file to a location of your choice—e.g., Desktop or Documents. Click Save.
Step 4: Run Batch File
Find the File:
Go to location where you saved this open_tabs.bat file.
Run the File:
Double-click the open_tabs.bat file to execute it. This will begin to open all the URLs in a new tab in Chrome. It will sleep one second between the opening of each URL. This is for making sure you don't overwrite the browser.
What the Script Does
@echo off:
The command will turn off the display of commands in the command prompt. The command reads the text from a document and displays it, setting the output of the entire program. Enabledelayedexpansion is used for updating the variables even when operating in a loop.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion:
This command enables the script to accept variable expansion with some delay. It is required if we need to loop and alter variables inside the for loop.
set "urls=(.)
Prepare a list of URLs to open. The list will be enclosed in parentheses, and for each URL, a newline inside the parentheses is to be used.
for %%u in %urls% do (:
Begin a loop for each URL in the list. In the command above, it will open the current URL, %%u, in a new Chrome tab.
start chrome %%u:
start is the command to start a new process. So in this command, that process is open a new Chrome tab.
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul:
In this command, there is one-second delay added to each tab which is being opened. /t 1-It informs that the delay is for 1 second. /nobreak: The user will not be in a position to break the delay by specifying any key. >nul: It means that this output is redirected to nul. A user cannot see its output on the screen.
It ends the local scope of environment changes of the 'setlocal.'
You can go on opening more than the human eye can see. Following are some problems and precautions that may come across with:
1000+ open tabs will consume plenty of your system resources. This can slow down your computer or even hang it most of the time.
Browser Stability:
Chrome might hang or crash if too many tabs are opened together.
Use Responsibly:
Make sure that your system has enough resources to handle this load. You might want to try it with fewer tabs to see how your system is responding.
Backup Important Work:
Save important work and close applications that are not in use. This is done to free up resources before running the script.
This is an extremely detailed guide, helping you in creating and running a batch file as logically as possible, which has to open a great number of tabs in Chrome bearing in mind the functioning and the possible effect of the script on the system.