Can you use AI to create an NFT? How to Mint NFTs using AI?

What Are NFTs?

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. It really is any digital good you can sell and buy on the internet. So you could think of them like some sort of a rare digital trading card existing on the internet. Each NFT is one-of-a-kind and can never be copied; this makes it special. You can use NFTs to own digital art, music videos, and more.

How Can AI Help Create NFTs?

Yes, AI can definitely help in creating NFTs. AI is much like a smart robot that learns from tons of examples to create something new. When talking about AI in art, it refers to the use of computer programs that create pictures, designs, or other types of art based on learning from lots of images.

Which Tools Does AI Use to Create Art?

AI uses a lot of very neat tools and methods. A few ones would be:

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Imagine two computer programs. One is making art, and the other one is trying to figure out if the art looks real. They keep working at it until the art looks amazing. Tools like Artbreeder use this technique.

Deep Dream

This is a Google tool that makes regular pictures look dreamlike and surreal, emphasizing the patterns in pictures to come up with unique images, sometimes strange in nature.

Neural Style Transfer

This is a method that takes the style of one picture, like the strokes of a painting, and applies it onto another picture, like a photo. It creates a new form of art just by combining style with different content.

Examples of AI-Created Art

Below are really interesting examples of AI-generated art:

"Edmond de Belamy" by Obvious

A computer painted this. This painting, using GANs, looks absolutely like some old portrait.

"The Next Rembrandt" Project

He was entirely painted by AI, but it looks like Rembrandt did it.

How to Make Your AI Art into an NFT

Make Your AI Art

Select an AI Tool: Select something that you think can make art, for instance DALL-E would make an image from a description you provide, something like a "futuristic cityscape."

Bring Your Art to Life: You can hence take the respective tool in question to make the image from it. You would probably like to fiddle around with different settings or prompts until you get the picture you like.

Save the Art: Once the art is complete and done to your satisfaction, save it in a good format such as PNG or JPEG. It should look great.

Choose a Blockchain Platform

Selecting a Platform: There are many platforms over which one can create NFTs: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Polygon. Each of these has its own features and costs.

Create a Wallet: You will need a digital wallet to save your NFTs. Common ones include MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Log into your wallet with a respectable password and, of course, be cautious with it.

Mint Your NFT

Upload Your Art: Upload the image created by AI to any NFT marketplace.

Add Details: The following ones are the detail fields about the NFT. You need to provide the Title of the NFT; you may add a Description of the NFT, including any other description necessary for the Art or AI tool.

Mint the NFT: Just follow the steps on an NFT minting platform. You will most probably need to incur a small cost to mint. This is to confirm your NFT on the blockchain, which is now the evidence that it is yours.

Is There a Market for AI Art NFTs?

Yes, AI art NFTs are just exploding into popularity. And why not? People like unique, one-of-a-kind works—innovative art. Many of the pieces AI creates have used a model based around new technology.

Market Trends: Interest in AI art can be different for various marketplaces; at times, it's good to know which platform is most popular for these types of artworks.

What Are Some Famous AI Art NFTs?

Some Notable Examples:

"Edmond de Belamy" by Obvious

The piece was created using GANs and sold in Christie's auction house for over $432,500.

"The Next Rembrandt" Project

AI created new art in the style of Rembrandt while adhering to legal stipulations for creation into an entirely new work.

random unique creature generated using ai

Is It Legal to Sell AI-Generated Art?

Generally, it is fine to sell AI-generated artwork, but there are a couple of things to check first:

Key Legal Considerations

Intellectual Property Rights: Ensure the AI tool you used had no copyright breach. Some tools might have been trained with copyright material, so knowledge about its terms is paramount.

Terms of Use: Learn the terms of use of the AI tool so you know that you can still sell the images you created.


"Obvious" "Edmond de Belamy": It was sold legally because it had used GANs without infringing on copyrights.

"The Next Rembrandt": It followed the law because it created new art from a historical style and didn't copy existing works.

What Kinds of AI Art Sell Well?

Some forms of AI-created art sell better than others:

Popular Types of AI Art

Abstract Art: Complex with strange patterns and colorful is typical of the kind which many collectors go for.

Surreal Art: Dream and imaginative images created by AI could be most appealing.

Portraits: AI-generated portraits mixing old styles with modern techniques can be especially in high demand.


Abstract and Surreal Art: See on ArtStation or OpenSea the top abstract and surreal AI artwork.

Portraits: AI-generated portraits, as is the case with "Edmond de Belamy," are examples of how style mixing can attract attention.

Can ChatGPT Be Used to Sell Images?

You can use ChatGPT to come up with text descriptions detailing the type of artwork that you would like. You will say something like, "a futuristic city at sunset," to help an AI Art tool flesh out the visual piece.

Mix With Art Tools: Curious can be very special NFTs you make using ChatGPT together with AI image tools.

Can You Legally Use AI-Generated Images?

You shall usually be good with AI-generated images but one shall check the usage rights given by your used AI tool.

Checking Usage Rights

If the AI tool used has licensing: one should check its terms for permission to use, sell or share the images.

Commercial Use: Some AI tools may have restricted use of images generated, so these terms are very important to know.


AI Art Tools: Most of these, such as Artbreeder and DeepArt, give permission to use the images and sell, but it is always good to check with the specific terms.

Creative Commons Licenses: Some AI-generated images will have licenses explaining how one can use the image.

Is It Possible to Make Good Money by Creating NFT?

Making money from NFT may be a quite lucrative activity depending on various factors. Among them are:

Factors Impacting Profitability

High-Quality and Unique Art: The more unique and of high quality the art is, the better it will sell.

Market Demand: The popularity of NFTs moves in waves; it is, therefore, important to remain in good touch with market trends for your art to sell out.

Promotion: People should know that you have NFTs, so necromancy and sharing within the community might do the trick for you and probably get you some sales.


Famous NFT Artists: Even popular artists, like Beeple, are making millions from NFTs. Use this proof and take it as a chance to earn some good money. One can look at trends in platforms like OpenSea and brainstorm on what type of art may just be well-accepted during that given moment in time.


Is It Worth Making NFTs from AI Art?

Have you ever thought about turning your AI art into NFTs? Well, it probably wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

This month certainly brought a lot of attention to the issue of creating NFTs from AI art. Making art with AI is new and incredibly original; sometimes, the results are striking with visuals. You can mint these art pieces into non-fungible tokens and take advantage of the blockchain tech for authentication and sale, which creates value and uniqueness for a digital creation.

The advantages are apparent. NFTs opened the way for the monetization of digital art and made it a new platform for creativity. It is these unexpected and new aesthetics of AI art that can draw collectors to the junction of technology and creativity.

Of course, this comes with considerations. After all, the NFT market itself is quite volatile, and the success of an AI art NFT depends on the market demand and how well one is able to promote it. You'll of course have to answer environmental questions linked to these blockchain transactions.

So, if you feel tremendously passionate about AI-generated art and are ready for the hustle that comes with making an NFT, then it's definitely going to be worth diving into. You can turn your AI art into a real digital asset if you have the creativity and a strategy to do so.